The Northwest region has recorded three more cases of the Coronavirus. According to a press release from the Regional Delegation of Public Health, the new cases were confirmed on April 24 and currently being managed in the appropriate health facilities in the region.
The Public Health Regional Delegate, Dr. Kingsley Che Soh said the third confirmed case came in from Douala – second highest infected city in the country, where she was refused testing from several hospitals.
Unlike the third case, the fourth and fifth cases from same family, are Bamenda based and are suspected to have been infected after hosting guests from Douala with symptoms of Covid-19.
The Rapid Intervention and Investigation Team of Northwest have been task to trace possible infected persons who might have come in contact with all five cases.
The population of the region have been urged to limit inter-urban travels as much as possible since most of the cases confirmed in the regions came from other affected cities or have been in contact travellers from other regions.

Within the framework of the decentralization national measures against the pandemic, a functional Testing Centre has recently been created in Bamenda, regional capital to test suspected cases in the region.
“In the phase of the pandemic, our actions consist in controlling decentralizing its spread by decentralizing the response, which involves community involvement and rigorous monitoring of vulnerable people,” Public Health minister Manaouda Malachie said in a tweet.
The Northwest regional authorities have been on the offensive, taking preventive measures like the intensification of sensitization campaigns and compulsory screening for Covid-19 at Matazem/Santa, main entry route into the region. This has resulted in the low infection rate in the region.
As of Saturday April 25, just five cases have been confirmed in the region out of 1,518 recorded nationwide.
By Macwalter Njapteh
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