By Louvier Kindo Tombe in Yaounde
The level of hate speech online was just too much that Parfait Taiwe could not support. Parfait is a web influencer, based in the Far North region of Cameroon, who recently launched a campaign dub “WiolaStopHate” aimed at kicking out hate especially during these end of year festive period.
“We noticed that it is during festive periods that people mostly share hate online targeting the different feasts. That is what pushed us to launch this campaign,” Parfait Taiwe said.

Just like Parfait, many web influencers are carrying out similar campaigns.
“Together we are stronger,” Parfait Taiwe added.
The fight against hate speech online is stronger when carried out collectively and the place of influencers is primordial.
That explains why some 11 civil society organizations in Cameroon including the Cameroon Community Media Network (CCMN) organized a workshop to school web influencers on best practices in countering hate speech and promoting national values online.
The workshop was part of an advocacy project to develop a citizen’s understanding of diversity based on common history and values/symbols of National Unity (ACUD-CHV).
“Our joy is that at the end of this workshop, web influencers will double their vigilance and presence online in countering hate speech,” Foka Mathew, Director General of CIPCRE told the participants during the workshop in Yaounde.

The main facilitator at the workshop, Dr. Bernard Sakah, Civil Society Activist and university lecturer centered his presentations on “hate speech as a tool of division in Cameroon, tools and tips of detecting hate speech online and ways of promoting values and symbols online”.

The various web influencers left with a commitment to multiply avenues to counter hate speech online. To Parfait Taiwe, he is returning to the Northern regions to strengthen the “WiolaStopHate” campaign.
“our objective is to reduce hate during festive periods in Cameroon especially in the Northern regions,” Parfait Taiwe said.
“We intend to make it an annual campaign in my the Northern regions.”
Hate Speech and National Values
“Socio-political instability and violence in some regions in the country are aggravated by hate speech,” Foka Mathew said.
Hate speech in Cameroon is manifested in different ways, basically in texts, and images. Most hate online targets religious, political, ethnic, cultural and linguistic communities and personalities.
“An example is with the present religious feast of nativity, where christians are targetted,” Parfait Taiwe told News Upfront.
“Hate speech is one of the factors that causes the disregard of some national values and symbols,” a political scientist revealed to News Upfront.
During the advocacy workshop in Yaounde, Dr. Bernard Sakah, enjoined the web influencers to commit to the fight of promoting national values and symbols in the country.
“The decision should be yours, take the lead and encourage others,” Bernard Sakah told the influencers.
The positive actions of web influencers would develop a spirit of national consciousness and patriotism through interest and involvement in activities that promote Cameroon’s national heritage.
The National symbols of Cameroon include but not limited to the Country’s Name, the National Anthem, the National Colours (Flag), Coat or Arms, the Seal, the Motto, Official Languages, National Day, and International (ISD) telephone dial code among others.
Positive Impact
Before the present workshop on hate speech, the Cameroon Community Media Network (CCMN), has been organising similar events.
The facilitators at the workshop presented some initiatives that are contributing to the fight against hate.

DefyHateNow Cameroon was one of them. DefyHateNow Cameroon seeks to support the voices and actions of citizens working against online-induced conflict within and outside affected regions by bringing youth, community leaders, grassroots organisations and further civil society stakeholders into a peace-oriented media and information literacy framework.
Their activities are in line with the aspirations of the Cameroon Community Media Network (CCMN).