Story, Louvier Kindo Tombe
The scientific days of the National Aids Control Committee (NACC) which opened on Tuesday December 3rd 2024 in Yaoundé is placed on the theme “implementing priority interventions towards Aids elimination in Cameroon”.
The idea is to inform and mobilize the scientific community, decision-makers, community organizations, and the population at large about the scientific advancements and their strategic application to strengthen the national response in the fight against HIV.
“We want to strengthen our fight against HIV and to fine out some new strategies to go forward in the elimination of HIV/AIDS by 2030,” says Minister Manaouda Malachie of Public Health.

In his statement at the opening ceremony of the 2-day event, the minister invited the participants to push their reflections on ambitious approaches in order to achieve new tools for prevention that will not attract stigmatization and discrimination.
Minister Manaouda, who doubles as the president of the National Aids Control Committee, seized the occasion to invite Cameroonians of all walks of life to show support and love those living with HIV/AIDS around them.
Statistics from NACC indicates that the prevalence rate has dropped from 5.4% in 2004 to 2.7% in 2018, but more still need to be done to achieve 0% prevalence by 2030.
The first NACC scientific days coincided with the official launch of the activities of the recently created Scientific Council of the National Aids Control Committee. The Scientific Council which is a consultative organ is headed by Pr. Bissek Zoung-Kanyi Anne Cécile, as President. Henceforth, it will take the lead in championing HIV prevention and treatment in Cameroon by coming up with scientific tools and data necessary to make informed decisions.
“We promise that at the end of these 2-day brainstorming, we shall come with recommendations that will be forwarded to the minister of Public Health and the powers that be in line with the fight,” says Pr. Bissek Zoung-Kanyi Anne Cécile.

The scientific days end on Wednesday December 4, 2024.