A non profit organization dub 237 Brothers in Taekwondo USA has provided gifts and scholarships to local Taekwondo clubs in the country.
By Gael Fabove…
A ceremony to hand over the gifts and scholarships took place Saturday, January 16, 2021 at FIBI Hotel in Yaounde.
It was chaired by the Secretary General at the Cameroon Taekwondo Federation.
Among the gifts handed over were Covid-19 kits.
“We are aware of the challenges faced by local Taekwondo clubs as a result of Coronavirus, and we thought it wise to come to their aid in our own little way” the Director of
Sports and Events at the NGO, Ekossi Ekane, told News Upfront.
Besides Covid-19 kits, the NGO handed over trophies and financial assistance to the various Taekwondo clubs in the country to relieve the load on them provoked by Covid-19.

The amounts ranged from 100.000 to 150.000 FCFA.
“This is a gesture from the heart, it’s not the amount that matters but the will to share with our young athletes” Ekossi Ekane said.
Responding to questions from Journalists on the selection criteria for beneficiaries, Coach Ekossi Ekane said all the beneficiaries must first of all be affiliated to the Cameroon Taekwondo Federation, must have registered with the NGO and should have existed before the outbreak of Covid-19.

The secretary general at the Cameroon Taekwondo Federation saluted the assistance from 237 Brothers in Taekwondo USA, hoping that the collaboration should continue.
237 Brothers in Taekwondo USA it should be noted has resolved to assist the Federation, clubs and athletes in the discipline both technically and financially.