The first deputy Mayor is ready to collect the gifts rejected by the Minister of Public Health while others are against.
The fight is between Celestin Bedzigui, first deputy Mayor and Denis Emilien Atangana, councillor of the Monatele Council.
The deputy Mayor, is accused of going against the council rules when he unilaterally and publicly requested for COVID-19 prevention materials from Maurice Kamto.
Celestin Bedzigui on his Facebook page declared to have written to Christian Penda Ekoka, scribe of the Suivie-Cameroon-Survival-Initiative requesting the materials.
To him, the population of Monatele are in dying need of the materials which the government is yet to provide to them.
Discovering and opportunity and letting it go is not different from non assistance to a people in need which is condemned by the law, he added.
His step towards assistance in the COVID-19 Response Plan met with tough resistance from a councillor of the same municipality.
Denis Emilien Atangana who strongly objects the move says only the entire council, meeting in a session can deliberate on receiving the materials or not.

The COVID-19 materials from the Kamto led Suivie-Cameroon-Survival-Initiative were rejected by the Minister of Public Health last week.
Dr. Manaouda Malachie explained that he can not collect materials from an illegal association.
Minister Paul Atanga Nji of Territorial Administration it should be noted had declared the association “Illegal”.
A declaration rejected by the National President of the Cameroon Renaissance Movement, Maurice Kamto who says it needs no legal backing to exist since it is naturally of the Cameroonian people.
To Denis Emilien Atangana of the Cameroon Democratic Front Party, accepting such gifts would be going against the Government of the Republic.
The President of the Liberal Alliance Party, Celestin Bedzigui, first deputy Mayor of the Monatele council argues he is well placed to receive the gifts.
Either as Mayor, or through his title as Traditional Ruler and President of a political party in Cameroon.

He sees the objection from Denis Emilien Atangana as a political strategy to win the trust of the Government of Cameroon in general and the MINAT Boss in particular.
Denis Emilien Atangana was one time Secretary General of the Liberal Alliance Party (PAL) of Celestin Bedzigui.
Formerly, aspiring Mayor of the Monatele council in 2013 under the banner of the Cameroon Renaissance Movement, CRM Party.
On his part, Celestin Bedzigui was once a stunch supporter of the Biya’s regime especially during the 2018 Presidential election in Cameroon where he Contributed FCFA 500.000 to assist the CPDM campaign.
Recently he is noted to have regretted his past actions and now wants to be the mouth piece of the population.
The Manager of the Suivie-Cameroon-Survival-Initiative, Christian Penda Ekoka it should be recalled had accepted to hand over part of the COVID-19 materials to the population of Monatele through Celestin Bedzigui.
The reception and distribution are expected this week.
The Mayor of the Monatele council is yet to officially react on the situation.
By Louvier Kindo Tombe