The ArchBishop of the Bamenda Archdiocese, His Lordship Andrew Nkea, has pledged to create a peace club in the University of Bamenda (UBa).
He made the declaration Tuesday March 2nd 2021, during a holy mass with the Catholic community of the University of Bamenda.
The Holy mass took place in the restaurant hall of the university of Bamenda.
Archbishop Andrew Nkea, was invited by the Vice Chancellor to celebrate the holy mass with the university of Bamenda community.
Speaking during his homily as the main celebrant of the holy mass, Archbishop Nkea, layed emphasis on the importance of pepeace.
He regretted that peace has been absent in Cameroon for the past four years due to the ongoing Anglophone crisis plaguing the two regions of the country.
“Peace is a culture. In some universities, student read a course known as peace studies but peace is more than just stuies but a practical necessity. The church believes in the culture of peace and we believe this strongly because Jesus told us that we can only achieve our goals of christianity if we are people of peace as he says in Mathew 5:9; blessed are the peace makers for they shall be called sons of God.” Andrew Nkea said.
During the Archbishop’s peace centered sermon, he realized that there is no peace club in the University of Bamenda, and with immediate effect, he declares that a peace club should be operational in the University of Bamenda.
Ready to assist in the functioning of this peace club, He said;
“I support the start of this peace club with 20 copies of my pastoral letter which will serve as a spring board to start the peace club”.
He equally pleaded with all to study the pastoral document which focusses on peace and a lot more about it which can be inexhaustible

The Archbishop made a plea to the vice Chancellor of the University of Bamenda, Theresia Nkuo Akenji, to assist him with the creation of the peace club and promised to fix time to talk to the students about it’s functionality.
He ended by emphasising on the importance of personal efforts in enhancing peace not only to the country but to the world at large since we are agents of peace.
At the end of the mass, the University of Bamenda Staff gave a surprised surport to the Archbishop , a sum of more than FCFA 1.5 Million for the Archdiocesan project aimed at constructing a retirement home for the clergy.