The young politician and promoter of One Cameroon Media Group is at the head of a new political party that saw the light of the day in Cameroon today July 15 2020.
It is now official, the political landscape in Cameroon is enriched with a new party, the United Cameroon for Peace and Progress, UCPP created by Nchia Roland Mua has been launched.
The launching took place Thursday July 15, 2020 in Yaounde.
The National President, Nchia Roland Mua presented the vision of the party.
“We are a party to fight for, and defend the interest of youths in the country while striving for unity of all Cameroonians” he declared.
Nchia Roland Mua aware of the political climate in the country, did not hesitate to declare his candidacy ahead of the 2025 presidential election.
” I have accepted the people’s call and I am ready to represent them in the up coming presidential election” he told News Upfront.
The National President of the United Cameroon for Peace and Progress, UCPP, Nchia Roland Mua, it should be noted was a former supporter of the regime who now thinks otherwise of the government.
“The regime has already used all their skills in state administration, and it is high time we voted them out for a better Cameroon controlled by youths” Roland told reporters.
However, he still remain resolute to his vision for a one and indivisible Cameroon.
Nchia Roland mua
The National President of the United Cameroon for Peace and Progress said he Is calling on all separatists to drop their weapons and leave the bushes.
“The only good way for change in Cameroon is through the ballot box” he said.
The young party according to it’s National President now counts over six(6) million militants and they hope for more in the future.