The Olembe low cost housing facility in Yaounde would by the end of this week contain about 200 covid-19 patients.
The decision to use the social lodging facility as confinement centers is from Président Paul Biya and was announced by the Minister of Public Health, Dr. Manaouda Malachie.
Speaking during his traditional daily conferences on Covid-19 of March 30, 2020, the Public Health boss, explained that the move is to optimize the management of Corona Virus in Cameroon and it will go a long way to ameliorate epidiomelogical and biological surveillance.
The decision is coming at the wake of proposals from Cameroonians for the government to set up isolation centers across the country.
Neighboring Nigeria it should be noted has transformed most of its stadiums and Public Schools into isolation centers.
The present decision from the government to transform Social Lodging facilities into isolation centers comes to resolve another problem that is gaining grounds in hospitals across the country.
Recently, the Director of the Yaounde Central Hospital, Prof. Pierre Joseph Fouda declared that 50% of patients of the hospital are retisent to consult there because of the presence of an isolation center there, despite explanations that the center is not accessible to anyone and is even found outside the hospital premises.
By setting up special isolation centers in the country, the demand for medics will automatically increase.
The Ministry of Public Health is aware, and that explains why the Minister, in a recent Communique asked all nurses awaiting integration into the Public Service to Indicate at the any regional delegation of Public Health of their choice for their files to be treated.
Measures are underway for other lodging facilities in Cameroon, like in Douala to be made ready for Covid-19.