Mantung Radio (FM 93.0) was launched last weekend thanks to the Mayor of Nwa, Lawrence Menyong.
The radio station will connect the people of the area to the rest of the world.
According to a youth from the Yamba tribe/Nwa Sub Division who is a Journalist, Jeremi Romi, the Mantung Community Radio will serve as a tool for Communication within the community.
Some youths of Nwa who salute the efforts of Mayor Menyong expect the authorities to go a step further.
The say there is no good portable water and electricity distribution in the locality and something should be done in that light.

The installation of the radio station is one of the achievements of the Mayor of Nwa, who is determined to transform the locality.
The foundation stone of the radio was laid in 2016 by the then Mayor of Nwa Sub Division, Dr. Ngofe, who is now of regrettable memory.
He was killed last year in one of the attacks of the Anglophone crisis.
Nwa Sub Division in Donga Mantung Division is one of the oldest Sub Divisions of the North West region.
Nwa exist as a village in Yamba tribe and is the Subdivision headquarters.
Nwa subdivision is predominantly Yamba and two other smaller tribes are part of the Subdivision