Story, Louvier Kindo Tombe
It has become a tradition for Greenpeace Africa to celebrate world biodiversity day. This year, the NGO opted to upgrade the capacities of stakeholders in biodiversity conservation.
“Our objective was to enrich the solution basket to ameliorate the protection of biodiversity in Cameroon,” says Stella Tchouket, Forest campaigner at Greenpeace Africa.

30 years after the convention on biodiversity was adopted, much progress has not been recorded. Following four years of development negotiations, Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) adopted the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework on 19 December 2022, replacing the CBD’s Strategic Plan for Biodiversity 2011-2020 and its Aichi Targets.
The Yaounde workshop was aimed at sensitising biodiversity actors on the different aspects of the new global biodiversity framework.
During the workshop the participants agreed that, out of the 7 ecosystems found in Africa, 6 are found in Cameroon, but many are still ignorant of its existence and importance.
“What we don’t yet know is even more important than what we already know,” says Mme Eloundou Josephine Babette, technical adviser No 1 at the ministry of environment, protection of the nature and sustainable development.

She represented minister Hele Pierre at the Greenpeace Africa’s event.
Biodiversity is the living fabric of the planet. It underpins human wellbeing in the present and in the future, and its rapid decline threatens nature and people alike. There is thus need to prevent the decline.
“We cannot do this all alone, we would need everyone on board,” Andoh Ashu Rex, scribe at Greenpeace Africa and Coordinator of Mboa Hub told News Upfront.

The representative of the minister of environment, protection of the nature and sustainable development told participants at the workshop that “Biodiversity conservation and development should move hand in hand”.
The different stakeholders present at the workshop praised Greenpeace Africa for providing the platform to get abraised with the points contained in the new global biodiversity framework. They say “a proper mastery of the points will ease the drive towards biodiversity conservation, especially against western pressure”.
“This year’s biodiversity day theme is actually a call for collective action. Greenpeace Africa will continue to work alongside African leaders t dismantle and expose the neo-colonial systems that seek to destroy Africa’s biodiversity under the guise of development,” said Dr. Oulie Keita, Executive Director of Greenpeace Africa in a press release.
“If the government works together, collaborates and implements resolutions together, it will solve most of the biodiversity conservation probles we face in our communities,” says Andoh Ashu Rex.
The 24 May event held at the head office of Mboa Hub, which is brainchild of Greenpeace Africa.
Mboa Hub
Mboa Hub is simple a youth center for young people in the climate justice and environmental space. It is a center which provides a platform for capacity building and development among young leaders in diverse fields.
“In Mboa Hub we practice a system of learning by doing,” Andoh Ashu Rex, coordinator of the center told this reporter.
One youth association that has benefitted from the expertise and services of Mboa Hub is “The Wise“.
“The Mboa Hub has really been very instrumental in elevating The Wise, because we need to hold hands to grow,” Jean Blaise, president and founder of The Wise revealed.

Set up in February 2023, the center has in just four months received close to 2000 youths and over 100 have benefited from its services.