Story, Louvier Kindo Tombe
The progress report from the national coordinator of the presidential plan for the reconstruction of the North West and South West regions indicates that the population in the regions have demonstrated enthusiasm and support to the initiative. The ongoing process has showcased sustainable results despite challenges.
“We are sure that the achievements witnessed so far will accelerate the speed and the expectations of the local population,” says Balungeli Confiance Ebune, president of the steering committee of the presidential plan.
He was speaking while chairing the 5th session of the committee that held at the auditorium of the Prime Minister’s office on Thursday April 13, 2023.

During the session, the members approved to implement a new development blueprint.
“We would lay emphasis on the bottom-top approach,” says Motuba Tamajong Obase, national coordinator of the presidential plan for the reconstruction and development of the North West and South West regions.
“We are developing a strategy where the population would be involved both at the conception and the follow up of the structure in their respective regions,” Motuba Tamajong added.

The new development blueprint will focus on youths between the ages 15 – 35. The youth are highly affected by the crisis in the North West and South West regions and they are at the same time vital in the peace restoration process.
During the recent field visit of the steering committee to the North West and South West regions instructed by Prime Minister Joseph Dion Ngute, it was established that the population especially the youths continue to champion the implementation of the reconstruction plan. The youths for instance continue to leave the bushes and join the DDR centers in their regions.
“I salute them for embracing the Head of State’s call,” says governor Adolphe Lele L’Afrique of the North West region.
The governors of the two restive regions were present during the session in Yaounde.
Reports from the regions show that the population in the respective villages are actively mobilising to counter the actions of the seperatist fighters in a bid to welcome the presidential reconstruction plan.
The success of the presidential plan according to the steering committee is thanks to support from the government of Cameroon and friendly nations.
A friend in need is a friend in deed

The national coordinator of the presidential reconstruction plan is now focused on what is to be done, and what is to be done will partly depend on the contributions from partner countries.
“We anxiously hope that our friendly countries and partners will sooner or later redeem their pledges,” says Balungeli Confiance Ebune.
The steering committee has equally created a system for Cameroonians who have succeeded in life to give back to their communities. The system is known as “success social responsibility”. According to the national coordinator of the presidential plan, it has been tested with positive results.
“Last December we collected over 1.500.000 FCFA in five days when we launched the project to donate meals to ex fighters in the Bamenda DDR center,” Motuba Tamajong told News Upfront.
This gesture he said has been welcomed by those still in the bushes who are now looking for ways to join the DDR centers.