Traditional rulers from across the country have paid tribute to the late Statesman, former Prime Minister, Simon Achidi Achu. That was during a ceremony at his Yaounde residence, Sunday June 13, 2021 organised by the family prior to the official funeral ceremony in July.
At the opening of the ceremony, the family representative, Jude Achu, promised that the doors of the family will forever remain open to welcome advices that will help them progress in peace and unity.
One after the other, the traditional rulers testified the good works of Pa Simon Achidi Achu, throughout his life on earth.
To Fon Teche Njei of Ngyen-Muwa, the North West Fons have lost their number one “Nchinda”. He was the highest titled holder and personality in the Widikum Community.
While calling on the people of the North West region to mobilise and give Pa Achidi Achu, a befitting burial, Fon Teche Njei, urged the family of the fallen Statesman to rally behind Ma Mafor Judith Yah Sunday.
“Continue doing what you are doing, we, traditional rulers of the North West, we are behind you.” He told Judith Yah.
Speaking after, Fon Chafah Isaac, Fon of Bangolan, declared that the late Simon Achidi Achu, was a man whose humility knew no bounds, a man whose generosity knew no political colours.
Tapping from his personal experience with Pa Achidi, he said he would never forget one advice given to him by the former PM; “When ever you have the opportunity to do good, do good, don’t wait for the future to do good“.
To the wife of the former PM, the traditional ruler expressed satisfaction for her actions which to him are needed especially at this moment.
“The legacy of Pa can’t be burried as long as you live. Pa was the father to the fatherless, you have to take up that function now as the father to the fatherless.” He told Ma Mafor Judith Yah Sunday.
The spokesperson of the North West Queen mothers, Mafor Kisob, in her testimony said Pa Achidi was his “White man Uncle” and one thing she learnt from his humility is that; “You must understand the problems of the people to be able to solve the problems of the people“.
In the various condolence messages from the representative of the North West Fons, South West chiefs, Chiefs from the South and Centre regions, the take home message was that Pa Achidi, had the exact expression to commune with his people and he placed humans at the centre of his actions.
They all pledged their support behind one of his wifes, Judith Yah Sunday Epse Achidi, whom Fon Chafah XI, said had distinguished herself in many ways.
In response, Ma Mafor Judith Yah Sunday Epse Achidi, acknowledged the presence of all who honoured the occasion, especially the traditional rulers who presented a traditional gift to the bereaved family.

“We have realized as a family that Pa did not belong to us alone, he belonged to everyone, … I thank the family for accepting to share him with everybody.” Judith Yah, declared, adding that;
“I want to sincerely thank the Head of State, Paul Biya, for his unmatched gesture fifteen (15) years ago that saved the life of our husband, and father.”
The ceremony in honour of late Pa Simon Achidi, graced with traditional dances from the North West region was the first in a series, that will lead to his burial in Santa, North West region on July 3, 2021.
The mortal remains Judith Yah Sunday, said would arrive home on June 30, 2021, and an official event will hold two days later ie on July 2, 2021.
Pa Simon Achidi Achu, it should be recalled died on the 4th of May 2021 after a portracted illness.