Story, Louvier Kindo Tombe
Kien Anita Ade is very confident that as she enters the world of work, she will face little or no challenges because the knowledge received at NFONAP HIEPS is up to standard. She is the best graduating student for the Higher National Diploma (HND) in Cameroon, 2022 session.
“I am very much delighted today, we are celebrating success, I thank our institute for giving us the previlege to celebrate,” says Kien Anita Ade.

Just like Kien Anita, all the over 200 graduates from NFONAP Higher Institute of Educational and Professional Studies were leaving the institution satisfied.
“As a worker, we had lecturers who were willing to help us wherever there is need, they enabled us to program our time and to make sure we give time for studies in as much as we are giving time for work,” Daniel Ngong Wango, another graduate told News Upfront.

At the graduation ceremony, NFONAP HIEPS was presented as a spot of Excellence in training engineers and technological gurus.
“We do not train only the brain, we train the hands and the heart as well,” says Dr. WEMBA Valery, Director of NFONAP HIEPS.
“With the selected cream of lecturers, we ensure that our students have constant practical works and we are confident that these students are now capable of changing Cameroon.”

The graduation ceremony took place Saturday January 28, 2023 at the Yaounde Conference Center in the presence of Cameroon’s dynamic and young Member of Parliament, Hon. Agho Oliver.
Hon. Agho Oliver is MP for Bafut-Tubah constituency in the North West region. During the graduation ceremony, he challenged the young graduands to prepare for the days ahead of them.
Adapting to the Changing World of Work

Coming to the end of your studies is important, but more important is what awaits you in facing the world. In his academic discourse, the honourable Member of Parliament for Bafut-Tubah, Agho Oliver Bamenju challenged the graduating students to be ready to face the world.
“The world of work needs you to be dynamic, so you have to put into use the knowledge that you have acquired,” Hon. Agho told the graduates.
He encouraged them to be creative in all their undertakings using his life story as an example to the graduates, haven moved from grass to grass as a result of faith, commitment, determination, honesty, courage and most especially the fear of God.
Education as Vaccine for Violence
During the graduation ceremony which was coupled with the matriculation of freshmen of NFONAP HIEPS, the Director of the institution reminded the students that the education they are acquiring is a vaccine for violence. They were called to make good use of it and not use it against their parents and the state.
“I am using this as an opportunity to call on any other Cameroonian to seek peace, because without peace, we cannot move ahead,” he said.
The Honourable Member of Parliament after inviting the graduates to respect themselves, their educational institution and the country at large, baptized them “Batch of Honourables“.
“Students of NFONAP HIEPS will not be miserable as they go out, they shall be honourable as they go out,” Hon. Agho Oliver said.
Multiple Celebration: Hon Agho Oliver Made Pioneer Roving Ambassador of NFONAP HIEPS
The graduation ceremony was an occasion for the management of the institution to celebrate those who are change makers in the country and beyond. One of them was the honourable member of parliament for Bafut-Tubah constituency, Hon. Agho Oliver Bamenju. The MP was made “Pioneer Roving Ambassador of NFONAP HIEPS.”
“Hon. Agho Oliver has not stopped at anything to encourage Cameroonians to embrace education,” Dr. WEMBA Valery said.
“This is our own small way of recognizing him.”
“As an ambassador, I hope to carry NFONAP HIEPS to the rest of the world. We are going to join hands with the University of Bamenda to make sure that we sell the image of this higher institute out of Cameroon,” Agho Oliver promised.

NFONAP HIEPS it should be noted is under the tutelage of the University of Bamenda (UBa).
“It is a great opportunity for me to thank the Vice Chancellor of the University of Bamenda, Prof. Akenji Theresa Nkuo, for accepting to supervise NFONAP,” Hon. Agho told News Upfront.
“We appreciate the University of Bamenda for this great initiative, and for actually sending the registrar to supervise the graduation is something that we have to acknowledge.”
The University of Bamenda is found in the Bafut-Tubah constituency in the North West region, and Hon. Agho Oliver said he will stop at nothing to accompany his people.

NFONAP is a Professional Higher Institute of Learning authorized by the Ministry of Higher Education, offering HND, Degree, and Master programs in partnership with other renowned Higher Institutions.
In a job market with very few skilled engineers and technologists, NFONAP is taking the lead to train young Africans who can meet up with the actual high demand for technology experts globally.
At NFONAP HIEPS, students are trained by lecturers who are professionals of the engineering and technology industry, with years of working experience.
Teaching approach is 80% practical based because of the high skill demand in the technology industry.
NFONAP HIEPS is located in Madagascar behind the market. NFONAP equally have campuses at flamenco, mbankolo,olembe, and Ngousou.