The General Manager of Cameroon Telecommunications, Judith Yah Sunday Epse Achidi, has succeeded in modernizing and expanding Camtel’s network across the country and beyond in just two years of reign.
When Judith Yah Sunday took office in 2018, and after diagnosing the company, she saw the need to change the management system and place customer at the center of activities.
Change Management and Customer Centricity is what has propelled Camtel to where it is now, leading digital transformation company in Central Africa.
During her first year in office, she succeeded to relaunch and stabilize the company that was fast deteriorating, by restoring discipline and meritocracy.
Over billings, poor revenue management, debts and retirement dues, that were haunting the company became an issue of the past thanks to these.
With these achievements, Camtel bounced back on the rails in just one year, but the dynamic GM did not stop at that.
February 2020, the company presented it’s strategy for the second year which centered around consolidation of achievements and expansion of Camtel’s network.

The achievements during the second year of reign of Judith Yah Sunday Epse Achidi speak for themselves.
The greatest joy of the GM was to obtain the ISO 9001 Certificate for Camtel.
And thanks to her unprecedented managerial skills, she succeeded to secure the certification in May 2020.
Within the new digitalization framework of Camtel, Judith Yah and her collaborators are credited to have revamped the company’s Data Centre in Zamengoe, Lekie Division of the Centre region, compliant with modern standards.
This gives the possibility for the company to now satisfy all requirements of digital operations in Cameroon and beyond.

The Minister of Post and Telecommunications, Minette Libom Li Likeng who personally presided at the ceremony to launch the Data Centre new look was marvelled by the quality of work done by Camtel’s management and did not hide her feelings.
“In a Nation, if you keep your Data abroad, you transfer your Souverenty, so I am very glad that today, our historic Telecom Operator, Camtel, has a very strong Data Centre” she declared.
Securing a good Data Center opens up avenues to expand the network.
One remarkable achievement linked to network expansion is the connection of the town of Ngaoundal, in the Adamawa Region to Camtel.

Judith Yah Sunday and her team constructed and launched a network station in the town hosting Camtel’s CDMA and LTE services, thereby giving the opportunity to the population to call, browse and text with Camtel.
Aware of the fact that proper installations and equipments without adequate knowledge will lead the company to ruins, the GM opted for capacity building of her staff.
That is how Camtel’s managers and staff have been trained on how to secure public assets.

The training was effected thanks to a request from the GM of Camtel to the Minister Delegate at the Presidency in Charge of Supreme State Audit (CONSUPE), Madam Rose Mbah Acha F.
The managers and staff of Camtel now master the Legislative and Regulatory frameworks governing the management of public funds in Cameroon, especially notions of Mismanagement and Irregularities.
For a while now, Camtel has embarked on a series of Webinars explaining the digital functionings and activities of the company to it’s staff and the public at large.
As part of its cooperate responsibility, Camtel has more than ever supported and sponsored events in the country, the latest being the 20th edition of the Chantal Biya International Cycling Tour (Grand Prix).
The management of Judith Yah Sunday Epse Achidi has not been indifferent with happenings in the country.
The GM issued a release condemning the killings of school children in Kumba.
In the same vein, the GM recently gathered some queen mothers of the North West region (Ma Fo’os) to protect the lives of their children killed in the crisis in the two English speaking regions as well as call their children in the bushes to order.

The New Year of Judith Yah Sunday Epse Achidi at Camtel is thus promising to be brighter owing to the path covered so far.