Story, Louvier Kindo Tombe
For four year now, women’s day celebration at Camtel has been more of reflexions and projections on the growth of the company. 2023 was not an exception.
“We want to thank the general manager of Camtel for this other opportunity to celebrate,” says madam Ntchama Zang Giselle, president of the association of female employees of Camtel (AFEC).
Celebrations of the international women’s day this year at Camtel was particular.
“This year’s theme was speaking to Camtel directly,” says madam Nathalie Fabo King, telecom engineer at Camtel.
The theme chosen for the celebration was “DigitALL: Innovation and technology for gender equality”. It was all about digital economy, and when you talk digital economy, you talk telecommunications and in Cameroon, it is all about Camtel, the historic telecom provider.
The general manager of Camtel, Judith Yah Sunday Epse Achidi, did not mince words when she called on her female collaborators to always keep the flames burning.
“We are today honoured because our predecessors did a great job, and we too need to maintain the steam for the next generations,” she said.

“I have always put myself as a boss, not a woman,” she said in a public outing prior to women’s day celebration.
“I don’t fear anything, there is nothing like fear in my vocabulary.”
Her achievements alone at the helm of the telecom company for the past four years speak volume to the women of Camtel.
“Being at the center of innovation in Cameroon and in Camtel of course is a huge privilege for me, and I don’t take it for granted,” Judith Yah said.
She invited the female employees of Camtel to embrace challenges that come their way and turn them into opportunities.
“It is great joy for me to be a woman working with Camtel, a company which values the place of the woman in the society,” Ngwa Lilian Epse Wirna, a Camtel staff revealed to News Upfront.
“I do everything at my position to see that I meet my objectives. I also encourage my collaborators when ever need arises,” says Edang Epse Acha Maisy, head of department in charge of National Portfolio at Camtel’s Business Unit Transport.
Cameroon Telecommunications (Camtel) is leaving no stone unturned in promoting gender equality.
“Women’s day activities this year at Camtel contributed in reducing the gap between men and women,” the president of AFEC, Ntchama Zang Giselle said.
Successful Celebration
“Our General Manager made everything possible that we had a great celebration,” says Mme Ahanda Catherine, financial and administrative inspector at Camtel.
The week long activities were launched on Thursday march 2, 2023. The women had the opportunity to be trained on digital and gender related issues through seminars and workshops. A competition on culinary arts was also organised and the south west, south and center regions won the first prize for best traditional dish. The adamawa region won the prize for best decorated stand and best regional presentation went to the west region.
Female employees of Camtel from across the country converged on Yaounde to take part in the various activities.
Judith Yah Sunday Epse Achidi frowned at those who were not part of the traditional march past ceremony and gave out firm instructions that defaulters will in the future be sanctioned accordingly.
Camtel currently has one female technical adviser, a female inspector general, 6 female directors, 42 female sub directors and heads of departments including more than 100 female heads of services among other female workers.